LED Lighting has features that make life more convenient,
comfortable and affordable. LED Lighting is more cost-effective than
incandescent and Compact Florescent Lighting (CFL) and LED's have
become widely accepted for different lighting applications in
businesses and homes. GPS is the leading supplier for
high-performance, energy-efficient lighting and retrofit kits. We
offer customized energy-efficient lighting, engineering design,
installation and rebate management, financing options and benefits
analysis, ensuring energy and cost savings the minute you hit the
Lighting accounts for up to 56% of energy usage, the global demand
for electrical energy is on the rise and the cost to produce that
energy is increasing. GPS will help you find ways to lower energy
costs and achieve sustainability goals. If you require a custom
solution, whether it's Industrial, Medical, Commercial or Retail,
GPS's energy efficient vision addresses your lighting challenges and
solves them with state of the art performance, ultra efficient high
output and cooler operating temperatures, saving you money and
Solar Dude is the leading distributor of LED Lighting, Induction
Lighting, Lighting Controls in NC, SC, VA, MD, IL, IN, AZ, TN,
including installation. Additional information is available about
any of our lighting solutions. Please
Contact us today.